I get very serious-minded and sometimes turn this blog into a funny little advice column for actors. And then I don't post for days because I think, in order for me to write something inspiring or helpful, I have to be inspired, powerful, 'together'. I'm so full of it sometimes that I have to laugh at myself. So I'll save some of that for my book and my Oprah interview.
Since March has been 'face your fears' month in my brain, I am very excited, and anxious to report, I am moving (back) to New York City at the end of August. I am excited because I know that this time I mean it. I am anxious because over the past few years, I have been the boy who cried "Big Apple!". And there is nothing more embarrassing than having to thumb through my rolodex of excuses when people ask me why I didn't follow through on a grand master plan. I am that guy, with that rolodex. Before I recycle these cards, I'll share a few of the valid excuses on file.
I could use a little more cash right now.
I would like to pay off all of my debt first.
I am having a really fantastic career here and want to work as much as I can, while I can.
I'm not really interested in, whatever, commercial success and recognition.
The last one is a big fat lie. But the other guys all make perfect sense, yeah? I mean, NYC is tough town. (cough) You should really have all your ducks in a row. (cough, 'excuses') It takes years of thoughtful planning to relocate(cough-'liar!')
Truth is, I am in no better position this year than I was last year, or the year before. So I am giving myself a 'no-turning-back' policy. And I refuse to give 'regret' a piggy back ride to my grave. He's kind of a heavy-set dude, anyway.
I have no idea how it's going to happen, or where to begin to plan it all out. And I am not unaware of NYC's tendency to spew the weak-minded into the Hudson. But I'm not renewing my lease. (Deep breath...and release.) Anyway, this blog could be a fun way to chronicle the tribulations and successes that await.
More on this and my progress to come. Just so you know, I have fallen in love with the amazing city that I currently call home. I have been and will be grateful for the work, love, growth, and support of many here. I'm not breaking up with you, P-Burgh. I'll still use Heinz ketchup and wave my terrible yellow washcloth when the guys kick the brown thing through the yellow wishbone. It's just something I have to do. I would love to come back and play on your stages as often as I can, or am invited to.
Wish me luck.
And today I will dance like an idiot. Thank you.
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