And welcome to the first incarnation of Innerstage.
I have been a professional actor for over half of my life on earth. I have experienced thrilling success, and I have also 'gone-up'*, on stage and in life. I would like to share with you my own wild thoughts and some collected wisdom for your journey ahead. More specifically, I would like to take the time to explore the many facets of the actor's life and challenges from a higher and empowering perspective. I will not profess to have the 'answers' to a successful life and career, in fact this blog will not profess to have any concrete answers. However, I can say that I have, on occasion, tasted that place of silence where the answers (and questions, for that matter) originate. More on that to come.
*going-up: In a play, forgetting ones lines in the middle of a scene or monologue, causing massive confusion, panic, and fear in the actor who forgets the line, and paralysis, rage, hysteria, and/or murderous thoughts in the other actors on stage at the time of offense.
A Higher Perspective
Maybe you are searching for a way to engage in this business of acting with an empowered and unshakable frame of mind. I know I am.
Perhaps you crave insights, wisdom, or a more holistic and deeply fulfilling approach to life and balance. I know I do.
So let's do it. These thoughts, reflections, ideas are dedicated to the Actor, the Self, and Higher-Self.With your comments and help, we'll explore:
- The business side of acting
- acting craft
- personal life issues/relationships
- the spiritual/internal life of the actor
- balance
- personal growth
- integrity in the business
- contribution
When I talk about the spirit and spiritual issues, I will address spirituality from a universal standpoint, and not exclude any religious beliefs or affiliations.
I do not know what form these writings and teachings will take, but I have faith that the words will come as inspiration strikes. As the collections grows, I'll group writings together, so you have an arsenal of affirmations and support as you become whatever you set your mind to become.I look forward to serving you, and send you positive thoughts in reaching your limitless goals.
You are limitless, you know.
A few months ago, I went with my class to see Crime & Punishment. I have to say, our general impression of you can be very well expressed by one photo: