Payday! If anyone's been following closely, I was hanging by a tiny financial thread for a weak or so. And I made it, with 279 pennies to spare in my checking account (They are holding mine in pennies now). Some close calls, but had more than enough to eat, and even found 5 bones to catch Iron Man 2, which is a tax write-off for actors, right? So tomorrow I get audited. Just kidding. More impressively, I did it without freaking out. I'm a proud pauper. The universe sent me a message in the shape of my last free-range all natural chicken breast. Here it is. Sorry veggie friends.
Hot Rod...Not So Hot.
We started rehearsal at about three o-clock with a review of Act II and then ran the whole show for the first time, so it was a little rocky, as to be expected. Personally I felt like I (Roderigo) was stuck in an uninspired fog, that followed me from the wings on each entrance. I was having a great time off stage, mind you. Chatting up my cast-mates, little cup of coffee...good times.
I know the lines, I generally know my blocking, I think I know my job. And I feel pretty safe. Wait, did you hear that? It's the alarum bell of dreadful acting to come, ringing in my ears. The danger is in thinking I can show up and expect to find more in just playing it, repetition, and generally I do. But what I truly feel I should do is tear open my script, see what else I can find, get really specific about each moment and action I'm playing, and above all, make sure I'm telling the story. And here's another career-risking admission: This is precisely the point where I've gotten lazy in the past. Good for me. I might be growing.
Thank you all for keeping me accountable, even if you didn't know you were.
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